Saturday 16 August 2014


Hey guys, Nae back again with another beautiful glittering 12x12 layout to feat your eyes on. This layout was featured on our store blog a few weeks ago and now I thought it was about time I updated you with all that glitters and glows!!! I just love this layout and all the gold bits and pieces on it. Gold is definitely a trend that is going to be around for a long time!

I originally made this layout for the sketch challenge in our first Cyber Crop but never got around to actually getting it finished, photos taken and uploaded. So now, here it is for you all to see. Its funny, it reminds me a lot of Charm's layout in a previous post.

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The layout, like I said earlier, was for the sketch challenge listed on the previous blog post about the Cyber Crop but I will post it here for you again so you can look at the resemblance. 

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This is probably the closest to a sketch I have ever been. I actually surprised myself with how well I stuck to it. When I used to scrapbook 12x12 layouts (about 5 years ago) I tended to just take inspiration from the sketch and just work it into my own layout. Eventually they would look nothing like the original. So this was a huge accomplishment for me. 

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I absolutely loved the woodgrain paper that featured in our TSK - The Scrappery Kit - Tilly in our July Edition. I knew as soon as I found it, like Kayla, that I had to use it as a whole background piece. I could seriously have another 20 pages of this and be happy!!

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I just absolutely loved the BPK - Bits & Pieces Kit - Gloria, our July Edition and all its gold beauty. I did originally start out with a heap of the papers from Tilly but after a while knew that I wanted to work with just the golds on this stunning piece of background paper. The Lindy's Stamp Gang Spray is just amazing. If you haven't mixed up your own bottle and used it yet I suggest you do. I will be definitely getting more of these and using them as my main mists. Just heavenly to use. 

As always I have made a process video to go along with the layout, so sit back, relax and take a peek into my workspace. Thank you so much for sticking with us guys and I hope I get to see more of your amazing layouts in the weeks to come. 

Until next time guys,
I have some packing and wrapping to do,

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